viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

This summer

Hi guys!!!

This year I want to change my blog. I think I am more mature and I need to forget some things that aren't good for me. The last blog that I do it's also for the school and I hope that will be more nice than the others that I do and finally I don't like a lot.

This summer was very special for me because I was working in the Tourist Office of Sant Pere Pescador.

I am very happy to stay there and I think there was a nice summer for me than the last year when I working in a Bakery. I only went out 2 times in the 2006!!!! (it isn't summer for me :( ) This year the time that I work it's much better I begining at 10 o'clock morning and I finished in 15 h afternoon or I begining to work in 15 hours afternoon and I finished at 21 hours night. This year I go out all the weeks and I go in my favourite discoteque more thant three times-->PONT AERI (lot of people doesn't like but I like it)
This is the Turism Office

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